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Yang Li (李扬)

Associate Professor

School of Automation
Northwestern Polytechnical University

Email: liyangnpu AT nwpu dot edu dot cn

Bio highlights:

  • Key Laboratory of Information Fusion Technology of the Ministry of Education
  • Xi'an Key Laboratory of UAV Information Security
  • Shaanxi Intelligent Equipment System Security Control Engineering Center
  • Automation Society Member
  • IEEE Member
  • Postdoctoral researcher at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2019)
  • Joint research fellow at Singapore's A*STAR High Performance Computing Research Center (2020)
Full Bio

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence Security
  • UAV Security
  • Recommender Systems
  • Natural Language Processing

Multiple Master Positions Available

(Still have few positions for 2024)

I have several master student positions in the area of adversarial artificial intelligence, UAV security and natural language processing. Students with strong backgrounds in artificial intelligence, information security, mathematics, statistics and programming are encouraged to apply. If interested in the position, please send me a resume with your transcript.

Professional Service


  • 02/2024 One paper accepted by Computational Intelligence Magazine.
  • 12/2023 Orginized the workshop of SENTIRE at ICDM 2023 in Shanghai.
  • 11/2023 Congrats to Xiangjuan and Zhaoxuan Won the National Scholarship.
  • 10/2023 One paper accepted by TGARS.
  • 09/2023 The student guided won the Gold Award in China International "Internet plus" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Shaanxi Division.
  • 09/2023 One paper accepted by Pattern Recognition.